Saturday 20 December 2008

Top Commenters Widget For Blogger With Backlinks

Top commentators widget for blogger with backlinks to there blogs is very nice widget to show of the names of the readers of your blog with maximum comments with the link to there blog.As this can show any no of names you want with most comments. It's plugin was easily available in wordpress blog to install but for blogspot users was difficult to use.

This was first made by my friend assesmyblog using yahoo pipes but was limited to show upto 5 readers . Then it was modified by amanda but couldn't show up the backlinks of the readers blog.
Then again it was modified which could show now any no of names with backlinks to there blog and works perfect. That was provided by gaurav.

Now follow an easy way to add it to your blog by just adding small bit of javascript to your blog page element.Now lets see how to install it in your blogspot.

Go To LAYOUT > Page Elements > Add a Gadget > Html/Javascript

Now add the below codes to it..

Change the codes above with in red with name of your blog,total no of names you wanna show and Name with any name you want to exclude from the list of yours.

Now save It . And view your blog. It show up the list of the top of your blog with how many comments they have done.Isn't it very easy to add up this widget.

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