Saturday 25 June 2005

About Me

A little intro about me

I am Aneesh, an Engineer and a Net Savvy guy from India.I completed by B-Tech(BE) from CUSAT, India. I blog here at BloggerPlugins with all the knowledge that i have gained by blogging on the blogger platform. I started blogging because i loved creating websites and blogger was the easier one to start off with. Now i also work around with wordpress and other CMS..I love playing around with all open source scripts around the web.

About this Blog

All the contents of this site are provided under a creative commons license,which means that you can use the contents of this blog,on your posts,but you will have to provide a dofollow link to the respective post!. If you are copying out some code from this blog which involves links to the files on my server,then make sure that you upload the files onto your own server and modify the code,so that it doesn't have any references to any files on my server.Don't provide hotlink codes to my server.I cant handle too much bandwidth!! :(

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