Saturday 28 July 2007

Blogger Templates

I know that a newbie blogger will find it difficult to find out good templates..I too had the same problem some time back.So i started this post.My aim is to help you with every aspect of blogspot blogging.If you have any doubts or comments you can always contact me via comments here.Here i am giving a list of some sites which provide free blogspot templates.The list will be updated every time i find some new template site..So keep watching.. Sites For getting Beta Blogger Templates.

  • Blogger Templates

  • Beautiful Beta

  • BlogSpot Templates

  • Blogger Templates Blog

  • Web Talks

  • Final Sense

  • Blogger Buster

  • Theme Lib

  • Jackbook

  • Blogger Themes

  • B themes

  • Free Themes

  • Blogger Talk

  • Themes for blogger

  • Themes 110

  • Lasval Blogger Templates

  • Eblog Templates - New

  • Themes Converted from Wordpress New

  • BTemplates -New

  • Deluxe TemplatesNew

  • Dante AraujoNew

  • These are the few that i remember will add more soon..

    If you have any just leave me a comment and i will post it here and i will add it to the list so that it may help other bloggers around
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