Monday 3 September 2007

First Letter of your Blog post in Capital Letters

This hack will let you make the first letter of your blogpost in Caps like you see in my blog here..See the T is in Caps(with styling).

Wanna get this.So here is the trick

Goto Blogger Template>Edit HTML and


.post t { float:left; color: $headerBgColor; font-size:100px; line-height:80px; padding-top:1px; padding-right:5px; }

Now Goto Blogger Settings> Formatting and insert the following in the Post Template and save the settings.


Now whenever you try to create a post in blogger you will see <t></t> in the Create Post Box Now place the first letter of your blog post within the <t></t> tags.

Here i have placed T within the tags like <t>T</t>his hack will let you(this is how my post begins)

The result is a large Capital that stretches over 5 lines.
Thanks :Beautiful Beta
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