Sunday 16 September 2007

U Comment I Follow Blogger Widget/Plugin

As you guys know the comment field of my blog is do follow..If you too have a blogger blog whose comment field is Do Follow,then let others know of this by adding the Do follow widget to your blog.If you dont know of the Do Follow movement read about it here.. If you are already having a Do Follow comment field for your blog then add the following plugin / widget to your blog

Note: Dofollow Widget is nolonger availabe as i am not a part of it now.
Update: This blog is no longer a part of the DO FOLLOW movement.. I am shutting it down due to excessive comment spam..

Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

1 comments: on "U Comment I Follow Blogger Widget/Plugin"

Alina said...

I have been visiting various blogs for my how to sell a business without a broker research. I have found your blog to be quite useful. Keep updating your blog with valuable information... RegardsThis was a wonderful thread really enjoyed the information !…

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