Sunday, 17 August 2008

View Adds And Earn will pay you 10 cents for every free registration you refer. Furthermore they will pay you five levels deep for each referral who upgrades to a “Premium” account.

Free Members:-will receive 10 cents for each referal and will receive $ 2 if their direct referal upgrades to premium account.You will also receive 10% of revenues generated from your referal ad purchases.

Premium Members - when one of your direct referrals upgrade their account to a Premium membership, you are instantly paid $2 for that members upgrade. When that member refers a new member who upgrades to premium you are instantly paid a $1 override commission. You just got paid for doing NOTHING! Even better, that same scenario pays FIVE LEVELS DEEP!

Premium member Fees-$10

More:-Earn to view adds from advertisers from your account.

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