Sunday 26 October 2008

New Two Column Denim Template

I have designed a New Two Column Denim Template for you friends. I hope you will like it for sure. Its the Denim template by google i have just make it little streched added some widgets and colors to look it beautiful and proffesional.

First i would like to show the preview of my template. You can watch below image.

Its Live Demo | Download


1) Expnadable Post hack is Already Installed In it.

2) Add The Links To your Top Menu widget from Below Change URls or from Here


3) Place The Google Leaderboard Code In advertisement Section.

4) Now About the header of your template. As just visit this site and design a header for you.
And Upload the Header image to your Blog using image instead of title and description.

5) Page navigation Widget - Very Simple Just add it From Here.

I hope You will Like this Template. If you come with any Problems in installing it Please Leave Your Comments.
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