Sunday 30 November 2008

Newspaper Style First Alphabet In Blogger Posts

Newspaper Style First Alphabet In Blogger Posts,Now Write in newspaper style i.e magazine style in blogger posts as with first alphabet with big font and size as you may be seeing in many blogs.As for example you daily read newspaper the article starting always have an first alphabet big,that is what your post would look like in blogger too.It make syour posts looks really good and beautiful.It has an good effect on readers.The blog posting articles on there blog should use it for sure,to get look proffesional to your readers.Hope you will like this for sure.

For example :- See The Below image for Demo with first alphabet of post in newspaper style i.e different font and increased size.

Now how to install it is just simple.

Go to Edit HTML and find ]]>

Add the below codes before it

.newspaper {
padding-:1px 5px 0 0;

You can adjust the font size and line height and color also i.e in red in the codes above according to the size of alphabet and color you want to use to adjust looks of your blog.

Now save your Template.

Now got to Setings > Fromatting > Post template

And add the below codes there and save it.

First Alphabet

Now When ever you will start a new post you will get the above codes in edit html tab where you can place your first letter in place of First alphabet.

Or add the above codes manually before starting every post and place your 1st letter in between

1st Letter

I hope you will love this style.Best of luck !!
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