Wednesday 19 November 2008

Rotating Add Banner Javascript

Rotating Add Banner Javascript is here for you friends where you can use javascript to show various add banners on same space by rotating it in timely banner. It will be very helpful for those who sometimes feel short of space to show there advertisers.As this is very helpful to show off different adds in timely manner

Here is the javascript below which is very easy to use:-

Demo Here

Just copy the codes from below and paste to your



1) Links in red are url to the images you using in Banner So change them acc to your images.
2) Links in green are the web address to images so modify them.
3) var imgCt1 = 5; in brown is 5 i.e total no of images you using so change it to how many images you are using.
4) window.setInterval("cycle1()",9000); in orange is 9000 is the ime interval at which time the banner changes to adjust it according to your needs.
5) Height and width are 125 the size of default add you are using to start load.

I hope you will enjoy using this and show off your all sponsors now.

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