Thursday, 4 December 2008

Double your blog Traffic

Double you blog traffic now in one easy sign up. Just you have to place a bit of html codes in your site and see your alexa rank after 10 days, you would be surprised after checking your traffic rank.So i think you would like to know how to do it.

The only thing you have to do is to just visit and then sign up there for an account. After sign up they will give you some piece of html codes, add them to your blog where you feel it rite. After this they will visit your site and will approve it for joining there traffic zap system.

Now after adding codes and being approved your traffic zap system starts.
Now how this works:-
When ever someone visit your site he or she will get an pop up below your site to visit site by traffic zap system Or can show it at the top of your site.

In Exchange to the no of sites you show your site too will get that many visitors to you site.

Now Assume 100 visitors come to your site.
By using this system you will show upto 100 more sites to your visitors.
In exchange your site will be shown to other 100 different visitors from traffic zap.
That makes your traffic from 100 to 200.

So why no double our traffic and alexa rank get higher and higher.

Join the TrafficZap Exchange

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