Saturday 13 December 2008

Fixed Side Menu For Blogger

Fixed side menu for blogger blogspot or some says it as fixed slide in menu for blogger as was seen only in wordpress but now can be used in bloggers also.As you could see it in my blog i have side menu that moves together with you scroll movement up and down on my blog.I am sharing this with you because many of my readers were asking how to make it as they liked it much and wanted to add it to there blogs so if you liked side menu in my blog you can go further to install it in your blog too.

For Demo Of Side Menu Visit for Here:-Blogger Widgets

First Download this zip file and you will get these two files to your computer.

Now open the ssmItems.js file in notepad
After opening it in notepad you will see the codes like written below.

Now just edit the the links in red in codes to place your own link which you want to display and text in blue which you want to show up the title for that link.

After editing all these links just save the file.

Now upload both files ssm.js and ssmItems.js to your own server like on geocities or sigmirror dot com,don't use mine as will not work due to exceeded bandwidth.

and find the tag and place the below codes before it.

And don't forget to change the links in red above with the links of yours where your ssm.js and ssmItems.js file are uploaded to your own server.

And now SAVE It.

Yup you have just Done now. View your blog. If you have any problem please write below in comments i will help you out.I think you will enjoy this widget for sure.
All css codes taken from dynamicdrive
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