Sunday 28 December 2008

How Check DoFollow/NoFollow Blogs

How to check if the blog is DoFollow or NoFollow. This is the very important trick wanted by everyone to check for the dofollow blogs becauase blogs searched from the result of dofollow blog search engines doesn't provide with full satisfying results.So i will give you today one trick to how to check if the blog you like is Dofollow or Nofollow.

Just you need is that you are using mozilla firefox and then download this addon and install it.
After installing it will ask for restart your firefox , restart it to take in effect the addon you installed.
Now you can go to any blog or website and right click over any link on website and select the option NoDofollow , and you will see all the links turning to blue and red colors.

All the Blue color links are Dofollow and Red are Nofollow.It's the best way to search for dofollow blogs or websites as you can check each and every link on any website or blog either it is dofollow or nodofollow.

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