Saturday, 21 February 2009

Free Image Hosting With Unlimited Bandwidth

Every blogger needs good and free image hosting services with unlimited bandwidth to host there images and blogger who designs template and have pictures blog need it very badly because there bandwidth completes very fast.As using these services on slow internet connections is very difficult as it takes much time to load page and upload images and the images upload is also as not easy as this service which i am going to review.

As all have been using image hosting services like Photobucket , Imagehack , Picasaweb , Flickr and many more but all these services gives you an limited space and limited bandwidth that exceeds in mid of month and creates an problem for you as your readers can't see the images.

The new image hosting service i got is

As you can see clearly from picture just click upload box select image from hardisk or web and upload in single click it will upload in seconds faster than other services.You will like this service for sure.

It has an one great feature also which i loved to use is that you can capture any website image or visible part of website or any selected part you want and directly upload it to your images or will save to your hardidsk.Like you take webshots i.e you can take webshots of any thing on web if you are using mozilla firefox.

They have provided firefox addon for this just download it and install it if you want to take webshots and directly upload your images.

After installing just right click on any website of which you want to take webshot and select Save Page To and capture any part you like of that page.

Some Great Features of Pict dot com:-
1.Easy to upload
2.Unlimited hosting space
3.Unlimited Bandwidth
4.Upload speed very fast
5.No need to sign up
6.Can take Webshots of any site
7.Simple To use

I hope you will like this image hosting service,even if you don't use it for all your images hosting,host some of them here too,to reduce your load on other hosting services by using this service. Best of luck with this new image hosting service.

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