Friday 27 March 2009

How Add Google News Widget To Blogger

Google news widget in your blog,i am sure you will like this widget by google as you can display any news on any hot topic you want to be displayed on your blog for your readers or supporting the niche of the blog.Just the thing you have to do is select the topic for which you want the latest news or give some tags to them to show of your related news and then select the size and liitle bit cusomizations so as to make it fit in your blog.

If you want latest news to be get displayed in your blog as i would like to get displayed latest news on all blogger news related to widgets hacks,tips and tricks to be flashed as i used it below.

Just visit here and customize it according to your blog wants and get the codes.

Then login to blogger go to Layout > Page Element > Add Page Element > Html/Javascript

And paste the codes there and save it.
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