Sunday 29 March 2009

How Highlight Authors Comments In Blogger Blogs

How to highlight the author comments in blogger,you would have seen many highlighted colours comments in blogger posts by author in many blogs.They are highligted to differentiate the comments of author and the readers and now you will be desperate to how to implement in your blog.Many templates have installed this hack in there blog if your blog doesn't have highlighted comments read on this post.

Login to your Dashboard > Layout > Edit Html.

Check the Expand Widget Templates Check Box.
Copy and paste the code below before the closing ]]>

.comment-body-author {
background: #ffffff;
border: 2px solid #666666;
padding: 5px;

Change the line
background: #ffffff;
background: url(http://DIRECT_LINK_OF_THE_IMAGE.jpg) ;
If you want to show any background image in place of white color.

Next, search for the following lines of code.

You have to add Red codes in your html in the way i have shown above between the codes.I hope you will be able to do it.

If you have any problem leave your comments below.Best of luck!
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