Thursday, 12 March 2009

Introducing : Business Ads Ready Blogger Template

Introducing my new blogger template design, Business Ads Ready blogger template. As its name, this template ready for adsense. You can check demo or screenshoot. There's four section for placing adsense code set through page element. It's really easy to customize.

At right top section, you can place your adsense 468x60, suitable for image type. Check featured post. You can place your best post, and put your adsense code. I recommend image adsense because it will appear like image post. Under navigation menu, you can set adsense list that will appear like menu.

Your blog will appear neat because of automatic readmore function. No need another tag, just write your post and it will be cut and display thumbnail automatically (if you insert image)

You can DOWNLOAD .

Featured :

  1. Three column at lower section
  2. Automatic readmore function
  3. Breadcumb navigation
  4. Smooth navigation menu (using javascript)
  5. Easy customize adsense section
  6. Banner 125x125 section
  7. Featured post, that you can wrap your adsense
  8. Header logo

P.S :

I also offer footer link. Why I should buy footer link? That's a cheaper and easier way to spread your link. What's the advantage? With reasonable price, you get unlimited link.

Wanna buy footer link? Contact me at

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