Wednesday, 8 April 2009

How Add Signature Below Each Post In Blogger

How to add your Signature Below Each Post of your blog,ya as if each post is signed by you.This feauture will add more professional look to your each post and make it look beautiful.As this hack is very easy to implement and most of us would be knowing how to use it in blogger,but still i feel to write about it because today i added a signature to my post,as you can see it at end of the post.

Before adding signature,i also gave trick to make each first alphabet of your blog post show big like as we see in newspaper.You should read it too for sure how make newspaper style first alphabet..

How to add it in blogger.

1) Create a signature using MyLiveSignature or any other website.

2) Copy the Image URL.

3) Log in to your blogger account.

4) Go to Layout > Edit Html > Expand Widget Templates

5) Now search for the following code

6) Paste the following code just below the

Please provide url in above code,align =left is for to tell postion of signature below each post make it to center or right where ever you want it to place below each post.

I have made it to right as you can see below.
If you are using read more hack you may find that red line you searched twice in your html,so please add the codes after the seconline you get in codes.

Happy signing your posts from now.
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