Sunday 5 April 2009

How Make And Show Image Reflections In Blogger Posts

Reflection of the images is made using photoshop,as you need to make each image with its reflection and have to post it on blogger posts.And when you want to post images with reflection and you don't know how to use photoshop,then what you will do.No need to worry friends now i will tell you the very easy way how to make your images reflect in blogger posts and you have not even to make any modifications to image just keep on posting it as before you are doing, just i will give you an javascript to add in your html,and after that you just have to define a class to your images while posting. Now i will tell you how to do it exactly.

As an same method i posted one more hacks before,How to make an hover effect to image if you havent checked check for sure.

Now how to make image reflection.

Login into blogger with your ID
Click Layout
Click Edit HTML tab
Click Download Full Template and please back up your template first.
Copy and Paste the below script right after ]]>

Now download this script Reflection.js and upload to your own server.