Friday 15 May 2009

How to Add Javascript on Blogspot Template?

Sometimes we use javascript on HTML template to create some special effect such as slide, glider, parallax, automatic readmore and another blogger hack. As we know, javascript contain such a long code, usually we're using third party hosting. The purpose is to make it simple and lighter. Before put javascript on HTML, it should be uploaded to your hosting. Read this how to.

Here's how to place hosted javascript on HTML template.

Open Edit HTML. Copy these code below

<script src='http://YOUR-JAVASCRIPT-URL.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

put before </head> section

But many people have no own hosting, and sometimes free hosting have limited bandwidth and complicated registration. So how? Javascript can be placed through HTML without hosting. Here's how to place it.

Open Edit HTML. Copy these code below

<script type='text/javascript'>

your fulljavascript code here


put before </head> section
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