Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Bloggers earn more with Google affiliate network

New Google affiliate network can help you sell, schedule, deliver, and measure all of your directly-sold and network-based ad inventory. It offers an intuitive and simple user interface, Google serving speed and reliability, and significant cost savings. Best of all, Ad Manager can be optionally integrated with AdSense to offer you an automated way to maximize the revenue of your unsold and network-managed inventory ,making you earn more with adsense .
Its for both both publishers as well as advertisers .

Publisher recognition

Earn AffiliateVIP status and enjoy exclusive marketing opportunities and greater visibility in the network.

Affiliate marketing expertise

Consult with our affiliate marketing specialists on planning and distribution, account optimization, and technical issues.

Google Affiliate Network offers:
  1. Industry-leading advertiser and publisher service
  2. Rigorous network quality standards
  3. Reliable conversion tracking
  4. Detailed reporting
  5. Automated payments to publishers
  6. Simple link and creative delivery tools
  7. Flexible commissions
  8. Access to top brands on the web
For Publishers and Advertisers
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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