Tuesday 14 July 2009

How to Create Favicon in Blogger?

What is Favicon?
Favicon is a small icon that appear in browser address. In another words, an icon associated with a particular web/site/blog and typically displayed in the address bar of a browser viewing the site.

Example of Favicon
When we entering blogger URL, we'll see "B" letter icon in address bar. That's favicon

Can I Create it for My blog?
Yes you can

How to Create Favicon in Blogger?
Here's the step how to create favicon in blogger
  • Create your own icon image using image editor such as photoshop, gimp, or any other editor. I can't use photoshop? Simply, you can search an icon in internet. Choose maximum 32x32 pixel for best view
  • Upload to your imagehosting, such as imageshack, photobucket. You'll need its direct link url
  • Open your blogger dashboard. Go to Layout>Edit HTML
  • Copy this code
  • <link href='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEirixMTumRrNBH6mclaTC-cEWCcmwsPYEi7l1dkAqWVCg1NT_wTLHFIO-reg4O7_wTVRMfUZPdms4vNtw6zY-zSRp-y5OsTDdvzjzDyRwJyz3WDCLBciDQbXH4UyU1QDRiIW84LbY0HnF0/s1600/rainbow.png' rel='shortcut icon'/>
  • Change red text to your uploaded image URL
  • Put that code before <b:skin><![CDATA[/*
  • Save
  • Preview your blog

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