Wednesday, 22 July 2009

How to Put Twitter Icon on My Blog?

As my previous post, there are so many twitter icon and button resources. And the next question is how to put twitter button on my blog?
There are many ways to do this. But if you want the fast and simple way, you can use this free twitter icon service. This site offer up to 176 twitter icon.

Here's the step
  1. Go to twitter icon site
  2. Choose your desired icon/banner/button
  3. Enter your twitter username
  4. Copy HTML code
  5. Go to your blogger dashboard
  6. Click on Layout
  7. Click Add a Gadget , at sidebar or wherever you want to put this twitter icon
  8. Choose HTML Gadget
  9. Paste HTML code from
  10. Save
Now you get the banner and start to tweet tweet
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