Tuesday, 21 July 2009

How to Record your screen activity free

Most of softwares help us to capture screen shots ,ie ,only picture and that too mostly free ,but very few softwares are avilable to capture video screenview online or offline ,but they are shareware or either not fully functional but Screenjelly is a website with Java api that is very beneficial , it is recommended for every blogger to use it as they can demonstrate tutorials online as podcast s
Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it via Twitter or email . Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like.

To start recording , click on the red button. No need to install or download anything!

Full screen recording starts after 5 seconds. 3-minute limit , after 3 minutes recording is automatically uploaded which you can tweet or email or share with anyone , for more time , you need to register

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