Thursday, 23 July 2009

New moon in Google earth feature

The release of Moon in Google Earth, recently launched in Washington is now more easier for millions of people to learn about space , our moon and some of the most significant and dazzling discoveries humanity has accomplished together. Moon in Google Earth enables you to explore lunar imagery as well as informational content about the Apollo landing sites, panoramic images shot by the Apollo astronauts, narrated tours and much more.

With Google Earth, young explorers around the world can bounce around the galaxy in Sky, fly to Mars and now visit the moon from wherever they may be.

With Moon in Google Earth, you can:

  • Take tours of landing sites, narrated by Apollo astronauts
  • View 3D models of landed spacecraft
  • Zoom into 360-degree photos to see astronauts' footprints
  • Watch rare TV footage of the Apollo missions
Video tutorial

This is available only on Google Earth 5.0 :
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