Monday, 20 July 2009

Now Google Voice mobile app also for Blackberry and Android

Google Voice mobile app for Blackberry and Android
has been announced by Google leading to huge downloads by Blackberry and Android users ,
Previously, to place a call using Google Voice, you had to dial your own Google Voice number from your cell phone or use the Quick Call button online.
With this new mobile app, you can make calls and send SMS messages with your Google Voice number directly from your mobile phone. The app is fully integrated with each phone’s contacts, so you can call via Google Voice straight from your address book.

From the mobile app, you can:
  1. Access your voicemail: read message transcripts, follow along with "karaoke-style" playback of messages, read SMS messages sent to your Google Voice number (even if your phone doesn't receive SMS messages) and access your call history
  2. Place calls that display your Google Voice number from your address book, the app dialer (Blackberry) or the native dialer (Android)
  3. Send SMS messages that display your Google Voice number
  4. Place international calls at low rates
More information here Official Google Blog: Google Voice mobile app for Blackberry and Android
Watch this tutorial for more info

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