Monday 13 July 2009

Show Comment Bubble At Top Of Each Blogger Posts

How To Make Comment Bubble At Top Of Blogger Posts,as you have seen it using in many blogs and i am sure you would not be knowing how to make and show that comment bubble count and link at top of the blogger post.So that's why i am here to make you learn it,and add it to your blogs.As its not as difficult as you might be thinking of.

As you would have checked my last blogger template-The latest Blogger template for sure and must have liked it.I have made 3-4 more proffesional templates for you,but unluckily today i got my exams schedule and will not be able to post these templates for you till 30 of july,so you have to wait for them ,as they need little finishng touch and testing with an installation guide,so will post these templates in beggining of august.

So we just continue with out tutorial on how adding comment bubble to top of each blogger posts.Some tutorials like these which you would like to read for sure are show labels as tags like woork and show post date as calender widget.

For demo of comment bubble you can check the my blog as i have comment bubble or check the demo blog too.

Now To make comment bubble,Just
Login to blogger > Then go to Layout > Edit/Html > Expand Widgets > Press Ctrl+F

And Search For ]]> tag and place the below codes before it.

.comment-bubble {
float : right;
width : 48px;
height : 48px;
background : url( no-repeat;
font-size : 18px;
margin-top : -15px;
margin-right : 2px;
text-align : center;
padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;

In red above is the image link of bubble,you can use yours and don't forget to change its width and height also of the image you use.To adjust the bubble position you can edit the distance from margin-right and margin-top properties of css.

Some Readers had problem in aligning the comment number in comment bubble.To adjust it just edit padding values according to you in above css.I have added four 0 values to padding,First one is for padding-top,Second for padding-left,third for padding-bottom and last for padding-right.

Now after adding above css just find the below codes and add the red codes in between them as i have shown below.

Afer adding red codes in between them just preview your template,if comment bubble is ok,just save your template and you are done.Now you have added an comment bubble to bog in an very easy way you wouldn't have thought of.Enjoy this hack and let me know you liked it or not.
And Friends i will try to schedule one or two posts for you,but that for sure will be small blogger tutorials which also will be very useful for you to learn a lot.

Wish Me Good Luck For My Exams.sengihnampakgigi
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