A New Feature has been introduced by JAJAH , A Company that deals with VOIP and IP Telephony , JAJAH@call. As of in the beta stage, Jajah - twitter users can make as many callsthat can last as long as 2 minutes !
Now in Beta,
It’s free , easy and works no matter how you use Twitter, whether it’s on your cellphone, via Seesmic, TweetDeck, or any other way.
- The Beta is available to selected users.
- To check if you’re one of them .
- Log in to your account.
- Under "My Services" in "My Account" page you will see “Twitter Calls.”
- If this doesn’t appear, and you would like an invitation, send an email to twitter@jajah.com
Go to www.jajah.com and signup.

Twitter is getting more and more popular and status symbol and it looks like aiming to Twitter is aiming to become a communication standard competing with facebook and orkut as they too provide free calls . It looks like its almost replacing the telephone number and text message with voice calls , maybe in the future video calls too !
To protect privacy, calls can only be made to people who follow you.No headset, no download, no software, no hidden costs. Use the phone you already have.
Here's a demo of how it works ...
Follow me on Twitter : @ajinkyaforyou
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