Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Tools to avoid Spam Bots on Twitter

Most active users on Twitter are Bots.
Spam is a major problem and many applications are developed to check twitter followers whether they are bots or not !
Sometimes we keep on getting loads of affiliate links in direct messages from unknown followers !
What if you could know for sure that your followers are truly human, and not some cyborg?

One of the best Twitter tools to avoid spam on twitter is TrueTwit.
  • Verify people from robots
  • Avoid Twitter spam
  • Save time managing your followers
TrueTwit is a service committed to making it easier to manage your Twitter followers without having to wade manually though spam users. TrueTwit attempts to validate your new followers to see if they are human as opposed to automated bots.
It validates each user’s potential by sending them a link. This link takes them to a page where they need to enter CAPTCHA to prove them as human not a spam bot.
But then we need to sign up for that !

Another website which checks bots is tweetblocker

Tweet Blocker is a free resource for Twitter users and application developers. Using highly advanced filtering, rank of twitterers are given also of , the top spammers lol on Twitter, allowing users to quickly and easily find spammers from A+ to F !

Follow me : @ajinkyaforyou
and i will follow you back ! razz
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