Sunday 4 October 2009 vs Comparison

Blogger ( and the two main best of choices for free blog hosting. Features which are better at either BlogSpot or Wordpress have been emphasize. You can sign up blogger and wordpress free . Check about arrow this project for a number of converters to and from different Blog services.


Themes/Templates and customization
You can edit template layouts, styles and colors, or install a third party theme. razz
Template editing ,ie editing html codes is not possible . Style sheet editing is only available as a paid upgrade. You can only just upload a header image of the default available wordpress themes . Very few have additional customization options confused

Visitor statistics

You can include third party scripts for tracking visitor stats and analysis like feedjit , mybloglog ,google analytics etc

No scripts allowed. The admin dashboard shows 2 days of stats and daily, weekly and monthly graphs.

Importing Blog posts from other services
Only from another BlogSpot blog , but still there are some tweaks to import wordpress blogs , that may not necessary work accurately !

Import from Blogger WordPress 2.2 and above only can import from Blogger >, Live JournaI, Type Pad, MovabIeT ype or another WordPress blog.

Image storage
1 Gigabyte. There is no interface to browse through the images unless you sign up for Picasa Web Albums.
3 Gigabytes. Paid upgrades are available to add more space.
You can also upload .ppt, .doc, .odt and .pdf files (more file types with an upgrade).

Just 1 Gigabyte. Image uploaded is directly saved in picasa account unless you sign up for Picasa Web Albums.
Simply add the tag [gallery] to any post or page (more info).

Static pages

Not available. doesn't support static pages by default, but you can easily convert a post page to look like a static page
Create posts or 'pages'. Static pages are listed in separate menus.


Optional excerpts
Post summaries (more info).
Some WP themes allow unique text. Others depend on a "more" tag.

Post by email
Submit your posts by email. You can receive new posts by email too (helpful for team blogs).
Submit your posts by email. Images can be attached (more info).

Contact forms

Not available. You can easily add a third party contact form , like , , ,
Simply add the tag
to any post or page.
Private blogs
You can restrict access to invited Google account holders.

(unlimited with a paid upgrade).
Alternatively, individual posts can be password protected or Private.

Team blogs
Administrators and non-administrators only.neutral
Administrator, Editors, Authors and Contributors.razz

Visual confirmation and moderation options, but no editing of comments.
Moderation, comment editing and Akismet spam protection.idea

Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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