Wednesday 28 October 2009

Facebook Share Count Buttons For Blogger

Facebook has now officially introduced the Retweet like buttons for your blogs or sites. These buttons look much similar to the Retweet buttons by Tweetmeme. Facebook has 5 styles of Sharing buttons. Here we will see two of them.

Adding a Facebook share count button will show a neat count of how many times your blog post has been shared on Facebook.

Facebook Share Button Style 1


Code for Facebook Share Button Style 1

<div style="float:right;padding:4px;">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='box_count'/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>

Facebook Share Button Style 2


Code for Facebook Share Button Style 2

<div style="float:left;padding:4px;">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='box_count'/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>

Facebook Share Button Compact Style 1


Code for Facebook Share Compact Button Style 1

<div style="float:right;padding:4px;">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='button_count'/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>

Facebook Share Button Compact Style 2


Code for Facebook Share Compact Button Style 2

<div style="float:left;padding:4px;">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='button_count'/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>

How to install Facebook Share Count Button on your Blogger Blog?

1.Select one of the Share Button Styles and copy the Corresponding Code.

2.Now login to your Blogger Dashboard and navigate to Layout > Edit Html and expand the widget templates

3.Find this piece of code

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

and immediately after that place our Facebook share button code(that you copied)

If you were unable to find this code in your template,then look for the first occurance of


and immediately before that paste our Facebook Share button code(that you copied).

5.Save the template and you should get a facebook share count button near each of your blog posts.

If you liked this post and if it helped you in implementing the facebook buttons, then please consider sharing this post on Facebook using the button on the top-right of the post :)

Link: Additional Share Button Styles on the Facebook Developers Wiki

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