Monday, 19 October 2009

What exactly is Do Follow

          When the internet 1st started and became public  , weblogs were born and started  growing . When Blogger like services became available and comment option was added , huge spams were produced and reproduced that used to abuse blog , and blog became spam bin of comments which was filled with huge affiliate and filthy , dirty and fake links trying to promote all kinds of junks , gambling and hardcore rated sites.
To combat this, Google implemented the "no follow" tag.

This tag was picked up by wordpress and implemented for URLs in comments as standard in their scripts. What it means is that URLs in the comments field are ignored by google, and pagerank and indexing are not improved for the target sites, from these links. The expectation was that this would dissuade spammers from commenting on blogs.
A similar plugin for wordpress ,  the Askimet SPAM plugin.
Than the commenting decreases slowly and slowly [only of people who used to spam ]
There is now a "movement" (for want of a better word!) to remove the "no follow" tag from the comments to encourage others to leave comments on your blog.
In wordpress, the "no follow" tag can be be turned off by the installation of a "no follow" plugin.
If you’ve been doing any kind of reading or you have seen in field below or near  the box where you are commenting mentioned " You comment , I  follow "  or "Do Follow Blog " , then your blog is then again found in that blog you are commenting resulting in linkjuice aka link building again finally landing up more visitors through that blog and getting indexed by google search engine .

The most popular Blogs always mention “nofollow” and “dofollow” links. 
These are very important terms to understand when you are trying to build great links back to your site in order to increase your Page rank and search engine rankings , thus increasing more visitors on blog.

But some popular blogs used still  use no follow tag
There are many reasons you would want to use the “nofollow” tag, such as:
1) Paid Links: This is recommended by Google. Many Publishers can earn mostly by displaying links or Square ads of other advertisers having nice traffic thereby getting fixed revenue and not depending on google adsense , which is very random .
2) Maintain Clean Blog : When linking to social bookmarking sites like digg ,reddit ,stumbleupon you are indirectly linking to,,, all search engines as they are highly popular with amazing PR , Most of these social bookmarking sites are Do-Follow !
But still

By advertising your blog as a "DO follow" blog,  you are encouraging others to comment.

All Wordpress /Blogger blogs are defaultly set as No Follow , but there is an easy way to make it Do Follow and make huge daily visitors so as to help them interact as well as comment more and share link juice socially

To remove nofollow attribute just follow the simple steps mentioned  :

1) For Blogger Users
  • Login to your blogspot dashboard
    Click on Layout then go to  Edit HTML
    Checkmark Expand widget templates
    Find this code
  • <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
  • From the code remove “ rel=’nofollow’ “
    new code will look like this
  • <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' ><></a>
  • Click on save and refresh your blog.
  • You blog is now not containing no follow attribute.
2) For Wordpress Users
  • Download dofollow.php 
  • Upload and save it in the wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
  • Activate the DoFollow plugin in the Plugins admin page.

More info on Plugin :

It is recommended to make blog Do-Follow as it has most of the plus points , just the problem what basically comes is about spamming  , but which is really easy to moderate by using recaptcha setting in blogger , akismet plugin for wp and moderating comments and deleting inappropriate onez !
You can check Advantages and Disadvantages of dofollow and nofollow blogs

Submit your Do-Follow blog easily and free ,get great and strong backlinks ,
Do Follow List

Even QwertyWEB is Do-Follow  , more you comment more you get backlinks :D
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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