Tuesday 10 November 2009

SyncTwitter and LinkedIn Status Updates


After Myspace and very long ago  facebook synced Twitter
providing easy access to each other accounts and updating statuses in one go ,
Now even LinkedIn and Twitter – are merged up  with more new features
making both Twitter and LinkedIn more powerful as updated in LinkedIn blog

When you set your status on LinkedIn you can now tweet it as well, amplifying it to your followers and real-time search services like Twitter Search and Bing. And when you tweet, you can send that message to your LinkedIn connections as well, from any Twitter service or tool.
           This new feature will allow you to notify twitter followers as well as connections in linkedin, works by just linking accounts by going to Twitter Settings panel that allows you to link your accounts and choose whether your Twitter account appears on your profile.
Also privacy setting box that you can check to tell LinkedIn whether you want to tweet out specific status updates

Link : https://www.linkedin.com/secure/settings?twitterSettings= 

 Twitter Settings :

Clicking through the setup process will allow you to specify the Twitter account that you’d like to sync and/or display on your LinkedIn profile.

Share Statuses :

Follow me on Twitter and i will follow you back ;)
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