Sunday 15 November 2009

Tweet To Win a Google Wave Invitation

 I have got Google wave invite from google and i can invite 20 people , but those people who were invited by their friends cannot invite other people ,

As you can see , i have 20 invitations still left ,

How to Win?
1. Follow @AjinkyaForYou on Twitter. [ i will follow you back ;) ]

2. Retweet this post and be sure to include #GoogleWave hashtag.

3. Post your tweet URL in the comment section below.

4. That’s it. I will invite first 20 people . Winners will be announced on my Twitter account. [ once you retweet and comment , just dm me ur email id  , i will invite you as soon as possible ]

Happy Google Waving  ! [in advance]

Start Re-Tweeting !

Useful links :
About Google wave
Account Setup
Google Wave CheatSheet
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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