Tuesday 1 December 2009

Greasemonkey Alternative Greasemetal

                      With the latest Google Chrome OS and Google Wave , even the chrome browser has started providing many extensions just like firefox .
The Greasemonkey addon , which is the most used and hugely useful for customizing many kewl things  working with help of userscripts , now is available even for Chrome browser  !

In short ;
Greasemetal is the Chrome tool of those handy javascripts which let you modify its behavior.

Greasemetal comes as a 1.2MB installer download for Google Chrome.
Hopefully, it won’t be that long before Chrome would give the Firefox add-ons gallery a run for its download

  • After installation, launch Greasemetal from the start menu. 
  • Greasemetal will in turn start up Google Chrome, while hooking its behaviours to insert userscripts.
    Once you have started running Greasemetal, add userscripts to the userjs directory under your My Documents folder
  • If you are unfamiliar with userscripts, a number of scripts are available from userscripts.org.
Functioning : Google Chrome does not provide any interface to develop browser addons. Greasemetal modifies the behaviour of Google Chrome using an inter-process communication channel called AutomationProxy, which is used for automatically testing the functions of the web browser.

Download : GreasemetalInstaller.exe (1.2MB)
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