Monday 7 December 2009

Likaholix A New Bookmarking Network – Get Free Invites

          There’s a new Bookmarking site Likaholix that has started up not long back , but just in march 2008 two former Google employees which i came upon while googling .
Its a damn good alternative to Reddit , Delicious , Stumbleupon and Digg .
Reason theres not much hype of this site is because its currently in limited private beta , just like Google Wave biggrin
Registrations are not open to this site but you can Request an account on Likaholix and get invites within 2 to 3 days

Link :

But People who have already got an invitations can invite other people , not just limited 20 invites like Google wave invite saga but infinite !
I have got an invite and you can sign up using my referring link

About Likaholix :

          The concept behind Likaholix is you register your “likes” on the site just like stumbles for stumbleupon and diggs for Digg .
This can be anything anything from a great book you have read to your favorite food to some art work that you love or from a food you like, to movies, to your favourite blog etc. You submit your likes and can then find out what your friends and people in your network like too. It is integrated with Facebook, Twitter and Friendfeed too and you can import reviews from yelp and amazon .

In short:
Likaholix is a systematic , fun and easy way to share and discuss your likes and discover new ones with people you know much like social networking .
Features :
  • You can Post link to twitter and facebook simultaneously when you connect with facebok and give access to twitter account right through Likaholix
  • It has also many contest where you can participate by just submitting link of given topics and win cash prizes via paypal .
  • You may also choose to donate your prize to a charity of your own choice
  • Once you submit 5 likes , you also get Recommendations from the guru of that topic you liked most !

Excellent Feature :
  • Invite friends or Tweet about us and win $3 for every friend you invite !
  • They will pay money via paypal only after you have accrued $15 [just invite 5 friends] or You may choose to donate this money to a charity of your choice.

Note :
They will terminate your account if you fake users or spam . Only those users will be payed $3 for friends who connect their Likaholix account with their Facebook account and its only for North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Africa, India, China and Japan.
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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