Saturday 4 October 2008

Put Adsense link unit in Blogger header

How to Place or Put an Adsense link unit in your Blogger header below your description in your header. You can also add it above description in your header below your title. This is very important trick to increase your CTR of Adsense. As it brings more Click on link unit from your Site.

Now How to add this link unit to your Blogger Header?

1.Login to your blogger
2.Go to LAYOUT tab
3.Then EDIT HTML tab
4.Click On EXPAND WIDGETS to expand html
5. Search the below code in red

Now Add the adsense code after these lines.

It will Look Like this:-

If you want adsense unit to be placed above the description and below header then place the adsense code above these red lines.

Note:-Make the adsense code eco-friendly by putting it here before adding.

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