Saturday 4 October 2008

Who Is The Wild Card Entry To Bigg Boss-2

Who Is The Wild Card Entry To Bigg Boss-2 ?

What you think who will be the wild card entry for tommorow ?
But I know who has been given the wild card entry to bigg boss-2 house.sengihnampakgigi

And today i am gonna reveal you about it.

As i would like Monica to come to Bigg boss House as she will be strong enough and continue to win the car and become sabsa bada dil walajelir

As people dont like sabhvana and elina because thy have been voed out by them.

And monica was voted out due to rahu political support and now has a chance to come in.

Rakhi has no chance to come in for sure.

Last 4 contestents will be:-

Among Top 2 Will be:-
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