Sunday 5 October 2008

Embed Search Box In Blogger Header

Embed Search Box In Blogger Header that makes it look beautiful.You can also Embed Google Search Box In Blogger Header, to add to your earnings Or custom search engine to your blog. This is very important trick to increase your earnings of Adsense if you add google search as you will be got paid to get searched from your google search from your blog.

Now How to add this link unit to your Blogger Header?

1.Login to your blogger
2.Go to LAYOUT tab
3.Then EDIT HTML tab
4.Click On EXPAND WIDGETS to expand html
5. Search the below code in red

Now Add the seach code after these lines.

If you want to add your google search then add the google search code from adsense.

It will look like this:-

If you want search unit to be placed above the description and below title then place the search code above these red lines.

Many readers asked me for the codes of search box that can be placed in header. Visit my post for blog search box code here.

Note:-Make the adsense code eco-friendly by putting it here before adding.

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