Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Scroll Bar Widget For Blogger

Scroll Bar Widget For Blogger i.e to add a scrolling bar to sidebar of blogger text or labels if list is too long.This scroll bar helpful if you have so many categories or want many posts to be seen in short space.

Lets Make a Scrolling Bar menu for your Blog

First of all sign in your blog and go to Layout section. Now you have to click on Add a Page Element Where you want to add the scrolling bar widget.

Click Image To enlarge

Select HTML JAVASCRIPT to add the page element .

Now You have to add some html codes to his page element to show of the scroll bar menu widget to the sidebar of your blogger.

Copy this codes and paste it to page element and save it.

Now preview your blog.

You can change your links and text in the codes to show of yours links and posts.

Note:-In the codes you can edit height and width in red to adjust it to your blog.

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