Yes Friends today i am so happy to check my pagerank in google toolbar because google has made my pagerank increased from 3 to 4.Its quite a good pagerank.If you haven't checked the page rank of your blog just be fast to check as google has completed the page rank update for for may 2009,the second pr update this year.As one held on 31st dec of 2008 when google gave us the pr of 1 as was beggining of the blog.
Then the next update took after 3 months on 3rd april 2009 and we got the page rank of 3 a page rank that is still considered as low by google but its good enough to rank in search engines.
And now page rank update took too fast by google i.e just after 2 months and we got an pagerank of 4 that comes in medium category by google.
It has all been possible to go high and high always with only all my readers support and all those who like my blog and promote our posts and linking to us.Just help us keep rising this way and i will bring a more better blog to you with full powered blogger resources and make your blogging easy and beautiful.
So just need your supports to make it to pr 5 next time and as it would not be possible without you.
Thanking to all my blog readers,visitors and lovers especially regular readers who made this blog one of the popular blog of blogosphere.And dont forget just to check your blog pagerank from here.
And help us more by subscribing to our blog.
Regards Anshul.
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