- Yahoo! Search
- Microsoft Live Search
- Alexa Web Search
- Baidu (Chinese search engine)
- ExactSeek
- SearchSight
- Scrub the Web
- EntireWeb
- Gigablast
- Exalead
- SearchKing
- whatUseek
- AnooX
- Splat Search
- Walhello
- SearchIt
- email Mozdex
- Jayde
- Infotiger
- Abacho (European search engine)
- Submit-one
- TowerSearch
- HotLaunch
- Shoula
- The-search-site
- Websquash
- Unasked
- eVisum (educational resource)
- DinoSearch
- SearchRamp
- SearchtheWeb
- SearchWarp
- Mixcat
- BestYellow
- Beamed
Website Submission Services
There are many websites on the net offering free website submission services to search engines. The list of search engines are by and large the same. Some offer fee to send your URL to more than a hundred search engines. Is it necessary to have your webpage listed in all the smaller search engines? We think that Google, Yahoo! and MSN have cornered such a large share of the market that it is sufficient just to have your website listed there. However, the decision is yours to make.If you still want that you can do that that too.
- FastSubmit
- Submit Express
- AddMe
- Freesubmissionweb
- ineedhits
- Submitshop
- Searchengineoptimising
- AddPro
- Pageranklist
- Freewebsubmission
- Amfibi
- Burf
- Jerkasmarknad
- LocalSubmit
- SrSubmit
This is for just begginers i don't think if you have good blogs and receive traffic,search engines will automatically index you and most of the small engines drive traffic from big search engines like google.
If you want more sites get from here too
If still want more just search for keyword 'list of search engines to submit websites' on google or yahoo you will get long list.
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