Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Denim Blogger Template with Multiple Styles (Switcher Included)

The Denim template is a widely popular template which one of the default blogger templates. The main speciality of this template is that it doesn't have any images but still it looks sleek and professional.. No images means that your site will load much faster. Here i am presenting to you an advanced version of the denim template.This Template has multiple styles(It is more like multiple templates within the same template). Your blog readers can change the blog template from a drop down menu..

This Template is widgetified and comes with the following integrated features.

1.It has a built in label cloud which matches the switch styles..

2.It has the add this bookmarking added to it

3.It also has integrated adsense and analytics.

4.It also comes with a recent posts widget.

5.It has a breadcrumb navigation system

  • Where to get the Analytics Tracking Id

  • 1.If you havent signed up for analytics you can signup at

    2.Now create your website profile.

    3.In google analytics home page all of your sites will be displayed..

    4.Near every site name you will find something like UA-123456

    5.This is the Tracking code for analytics..

    If you don't want the adsense integration,just leave the adsense pubid field as blank.
    If you use integrated adsense make sure to comply with adsense TOS(regarding the number of ad units per page..)

  • Demo | Generate and Download the Template

  • The Template has 5 different styles.So it is more like a 5 in 1 template.

    I would love to get your feedbacks..

    If you are reading this in a feed reader,the template generator wont be displayed so please visit the actual post..
    Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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