Wednesday 8 July 2009

Try out Gmail Offline

Gmail Offline : A cool new Google labs update
Gmail Offline is now available to everyone who uses Gmail in US or UK English ,you can see in labs but , it is not so popular because many people dont know how to use it. Once you see it, just follow these steps to get started:
  • Click Settings and click the Labs tab.
  • Select Enable next to Offline Gmail.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • After your browser reloads, you'll see a new "Offline0.1" link in the upper righthand corner of your account, next to your username. Click this link to start the offline set up process and download Gears if you don't already have it.

Your messages will be downloaded to your computer.

Note: Offline Gmail works only on:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7.0+
  • Mozilla Firefox versions 2.0+
  • Safari 3+
  • And if you’re using Google Chrome, you don’t need to download or install Google Gears, as it’s already installed on your browser.

Known offline issues:

  • Sending messages with attachments
  • Access to the Contact Manager
  • Complete search results. Try your search again when you’re back online for more results.
  • Access to conversations in Spam and Trash
  • Custom synchronization
  • Some Gmail Labs features
Official link Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail

You can watch out this video for more understanding

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