Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Call your friends all over the world on mobile and landlines over 40 countries

Now Call your friends all over the world! Wherever you are in the world, you can make free international and domestic phone calls to over 40 countries. You can make free phone calls with tuitalk. No Credit Card info is ever needed because all your phone calls are free.

This site is more rewarding than skype or google2voip service because it has more benefits and cool offers .
That's 3 free phone calls per day. With Tuitalk's new 3 for Free plan, you can make up to 90 free phone calls per month! The length of each call just depends on which country you are calling.

TUITALK™ is easy!

Make calls from: Anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection and a PC or a Mobile Phone.

1. Join tuitalk

2. Download tuitalk to your PC or Mobile Phone

3. Dial the #, watch an ad, and talk for free!

Make calls from: Anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection and a PC or a Mobile Phone.

A must try out website for free calling

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