Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Order free CD of Ubuntu 9.04 (no shipping charges)

Here's a chance you may never want to miss out !
You can order free CD'z on ubuntu (Jaunty Jackalope) 9.04 , an open source Operating system , software linked with LINUX
  1. Download now - Download the Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu CD installer to your computer now. Please note: the CD Installer is nearly 700M. If you don't have a fast internet connection you may want to consider requesting a CD.
  2. Buy on CD or DVD - Buy a CD or DVD with Ubuntu or Kubuntu CD, or a large number of CDs from a distributor near you. If you are in North America you can get Ubuntu and Kubuntu on DVD from
  3. Request a free CD - Request a free Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu CD from Canonical. Delivery typically takes 6-10 weeks
Now you are free to go through any option , Best would be to Request , there you will again have two choices of Requestiong ,coz there are two types of softwares
  1. Ubuntu Desktop edition
  2. Ubuntu Server edition
For that you need to register at
and log in to get the CD

I had ordered both of them ,and got it within 3 weeks of free delivery along with 4 stickers of Ubuntu , you can see in the pic
And yes ,there is no catch in these , as Ubuntu runs through donation and there are loads of features which even Windows and Apple still do not have , the main feature is that there is not a single virus invented on ubuntu ,and you wont have to worry about installing any anti-virus or any such security stuff for which you will need to pay bucks .
Dont worry ,you will not require to pay any shipping charges or any TAX ,you will get Courier without fail ,if you apply for request to any one of the CD ,but if you apply for 2 ,then cant say ,because my friend was not approved for request coz he requested 2 ,but i was ! i think better if you order just one ,the Desktop one ! Any one can order this CD ,in any country just you need to give your address , thats all ,you dont even need to give your phone nos ! So order it NOW !
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