Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Order free Kubuntu 9.04 CD

What is Kubuntu?

Kubuntu is a free, user-friendly operating system based on the K Desktop Environment and on the award winning Ubuntu operating system.

Similarly to ubuntu , is kubuntu <9.04> with a little bit of difference in operations
You can get ubuntu easily
Earlier all versions of linux were shipped freely all over globe but due to huge orders they had stopped shipping free ,all except Ubuntu , but now again they have started free distribution of CD'z for Kubuntu
Follow these steps :
Go to
There you will see two options :
  1. Buy on CD or DVD - Buy a CD or DVD with Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu, or a large number of CDs from a distributor near you. If you are in North America you can get Ubuntu and Kubuntu on DVD from
  2. Request a free CD- Request a free Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu CD from Canonical Delivery typically takes 6-10 weeks.Use each CD as many times as you like - you are free to use it on as many computers as you wish and to pass on to others

Choose any option , i preferred 2nd one ,and follow instruction of getting KUBUNTU , same as that of getting UBUNTU , see this link
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