Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Send dm to all your followers automatically when they follow you

Twitter is a getting more and more popular with increasing number of people ,even stars and celebreties have joined and are connected to their fans , bloggers and webmasters are using it to monetize and companies to spread new information and updates .There are two ways of connecting to any twitterer ,
  1. Sending a direct message ,ie dm ,
  2. Direct reply ,ie addressing that person directly with your status ,
Now- a- days , people dont care about reading or sending direct messages ,because now twitter has made it private . earlier anyone used to see anyones dm'z ,but now its not public anymore ,and so ppl just reply directly for eg
@ajinkyaforyou ,hi !!
But if anyone has to convey private information without letting another follower know ,he uses dm method , but now ,every day when you follow any person you automatically get dm from them ,instantly as soon as you FOLLOW him ,this is because he has set up automatic welcome dm's ,a service from tweetlater
you can set up a message ,for eg
hi ! thanks for following me ! take a look at my blog http://qwertyweb.blogspot.com
You too can set automatically welcomed dms to all followers as soon as they follow you !
This service is free , and you can even change messages and rotate ,but only once time ! , you can send only one message to follower just once ! never the less ,automatic ,a good tool to focus on them and your future interaction with them, or simply to thank them for choosing to follow you.

Just sign up and give twitter login and password ,
go to setting and configure this free tool

You can follow me @ajinkyaforyou
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