Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Stop getting automatic direct messages from tweetlater on twitter

With free service of tweetlater you can send dm to all followers automatically as soon as they follow ,but when you follow other people who may too be using this service and making your direct messages box on twitter full by only promoting messages regarding their websites and no nothing about social connection ,it really creates a big headache as if you have just seen a big ugly twitter fail whale and waste of time checking that message . But you can stop such kinda automatic DMs sent from tweetlater , all you have to do is ,

  1. Log in twitter
  2. Follow @OptMeOut
  3. Wait till it follows you back
  4. As soon as you see it in followers list ,check DM it sends to you
  5. Then send a DM to @OptMeOut
  6. Then Unfollow @OptMeOut

Tweetlater will then stop sending you automated DMs , after a while . This works even if you dont have account at tweetlater . This will make twitter inbox clean and only with meaningful direct messages :P

You can follow me @ajinkyaforyou
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