Thursday, 10 September 2009

The Best Blogger Resources

There are many many sites about blogger. Here i would like to share with you all blogger related sites which i love. All of these are my personal favourites.So i thought of sharing them with you guys! All of these sites provide tutorials,gadgets and templates which can be used on Blogger.

Blogger Tutorials and Gadgets

Amanda Fazani

She writes at Blogger Buster and Gadgets For Blogger . Blogger Buster is the Best Blog on Blogger Tutorials. Gadgets For Blogger is a directory which list all useful gadgets that can be used on blogger. Amanda also designs templates which can be found at Blogger Buster Designs and she also has made some premium templates at Theme Forest

Some Other Sites on Blogger Tutorials

  1. Blogger Tricks
  2. Anshul Dudeja
  3. Techie Blogger

Blogger Templates


He is the person behind Deluxe Templates. He is now a good friend of mine and he has got a good collection of Blogger Templates.Some of these were inspired from Wordpress and other templates.All of these templates are perfectly coded and you can get them from his blog.


Dante has some truly original Blogger Templates at his blog.(Dante Araujo) . I really love his templates because they are so original. and elegant .He has got some really elegant templates that serve as image galleries. I haven't even seen any wordpress template to match those gallery templates. All of these blogs are powered by blogger.

Other Template Resources

Another great resource for Blogger Templates is Btemplates . Its actually the biggest collection of Blogger Templates which are organized well into categories and tagged properly so that you can find the best one out of them.

You can also check out my bigger list of Blogger Template Resources .

There are many other good resources for blogger. These are just my personal favourites.
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