Friday, 11 September 2009

Yahoo MEME : Newly launched Micro Blogging Website

Yahoo has silently launched Yahoo Meme neutral which is a Twitter like micro blogging website with more or less additional features.
Yahoo had quietly launched its microblogging product Yahoo Meme eek , in Spanish also previously launched a Portuguese language micro-blogging product, Yahoo Meme, that drew similarities to Twitter and Tumblr .rolleyes

A “meme” is commonly known in the web as some kind of content that spreads fast and draws everyone’s attention.
Yahoo MEME offers you a clean looking Interface like Twitter but comes along with few additional features which Twitter fans have always been looking for.

Quick Features :
  • Things have to be quick , easy and simple to do
  • You should be able to share whatever kind of content you publish or find in the web
  • Your posts should get around without you having to be a part of any specific social network
  • You keep the credit for your discoveries and creations
  • You should easily find what’s drawing everyone else’s attention
Like Twitter and Tumblr, you can
search other people’s public accounts
them, with updates from these users appearing in your stream.
You can also ‘Repost’ anyone’s entry, similar to the ‘Reblog’ feature that’s integrated into Tumblr.
All you can add to your blog – apart from the content – is a title, a 100-character description and an avatar. You can also create a comment thread underneath the content you post, which was a feature that was missing when we reviewed Yahoo Meme previously.

Yahoo also recently launched Yahoo Know Your Mojo, a site that claims to tell you what kind of “social mojo” you possess by analyzing your Tweets, but actually it just shows big ugly filthy worse pipeline moving which looks that it will never stop which displays something which i didnt got !
Yahoo hasn’t had the luck even with social networks recently, with its Indian social network, SpotM, shutting its doors shortly after its launch ,closing of yahoo 360 and yahoo briefcase !

  • Yahoo meme seems to be a strong new rival twisted to twitter in future because of its Image , videomp3features.
  • In MeMe you will get 2000 character to share but in twitter you will get only 20 character.
  • Meme is a micro blogging start up from Yahoo which is in alpha phase and people can register on the basis of invitation only sad
  • But if anyone has already an account , they can invite upto 7 email idz !
To create account in Yahoo Meme ,
just go to in this page you will see the option “i want in” in the enter your email id they will send invitation mail within 2 days !

Update :
Now this service is not invite based , everyone can register ! :D

You can see an example of yahoo meme profile page : Yahoo meme profile page
and Follow me , i will too follow back ! razz
even on twitter : @ajinkyaforyou
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